Rewards of Merit: Property Tax

Lowering an Operator's Tax Burden Across Counties


An E&P company with a presence in the Eagle Ford Shale and various counties in East Texas engaged Merit to reduce its tax liability and administrative burden.

Results for client

$1.5 M

Annual Cash Tax Savings

Implemented a Strategy to Eliminate Annual Tax Liabilities



  • Client sought to reduce its annual property tax liability while simultaneously streamlining processes.
  • Varying appraisal methods across county appraisal districts and client’s well population made it difficult to project tax liability.


Merit Action Plan:

  • Communicated with client’s internal tax department weekly to obtain information needed to maximize the reduction in tax liabilities.


  • Negotiated with valuation firms proactively to resolve any issues before county appraisal districts sent out notices of value.


  • Applied a holistic approach encompassing expenses, burdens, and post-production capital expenditures.

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